

A banner with black text that reads, Chewing on the server cables since 2001. Off to one side is a picture of a cat staring at a computer screen, as if it's using it.

Welcome to my corner of the Web!~ This website is one half switchboard, one half archive. On one hand, I want to direct traffic to the various platforms where I post my art, but on the other, I'm intensely aware of how any platform I use could disappear tomorrow, taking all my art with it. So you can see the conundrum I'm in.

Netcat exists to solve that. As much as I can, my essays, comics, and short stories will be posted here, alongside a link to find them somewhere beyond Neocities. (Papa's gotta get exposure somehow.)

A little about me: I'm a library worker, and my main passion is language and everything to do with it. That means reading, but also writing, bookmaking, zines, language learning... I make art in 9321 other mediums, but writing is my primary thing.

someday i will add a guest book so more ppl can add their language to the header but today is not that day

A deviant art style gif of a snow leopard licking the viewer.